Mythgard Movie Club: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

eternal-sunshine-of-the-spotless-mindGrab the nearest copy of the collected works of Alexander Pope (or is it Pope Alexander?) and join me for the inaugural session of the Mythgard Movie Club, the brand new (and free!) program from the Mythgard Institute. I and my podcast co-host Curtis Weyant will be spearheading this new program which will meet every 6 weeks or so to discuss the films and TV shows worthy of a deep dive. We’ll be focusing primarily on speculative fiction, but that’s a very broad category and who knows where we might go!

Since we’re doing all the work to get this party going Curtis and I took the liberty of choosing the first two films. First up is my what if I were hard-pressed I would name my favorite movie of all time, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Directed by French filmmaker Michel Gondry and springing from the twisted and hilarious mind of Charlie Kaufman, Eternal Sunshine explores the fallout of a new technology that allows people to erase unpleasant memories through the once-passionate but now-stale relationship of couple Joel and Clementine. Funny, poignant, and sad, Eternal Sunshine mixes tones and genres with a kind of low-fi visual approach that make it a truly unforgettable viewing experience.

If my pitch doesn’t convince you, how about that stellar cast? Jim Carey plays the quiet one and Kate Winslet the loud one! Kirsten Dunst in her best performance to date! Creepy Elijah Wood! Mark Ruffalo dancing around in his underwear! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll miss your dearly departed pets.

Our other panelists include Signum U. regulars Brenton Dickieson, Emily Strand, and Kelly Orazi. You can find out more about the Mythgard Movie Club here and sign up to attend the Eternal Sunshine discussion here. If you want to donate to support future free programs through the Mythgard Institute, check out Signum U.’s yearly campaign.

And of course, don’t forget to watch Eternal Sunshine! Unless you already did and erased it from your memory… in which case you should probably watch it again.

When: Monday December 4th 8:30 PM ET.

Where: Here!

Edit: And here’s the recording! It was a great discussion, if I do say so myself. Thanks to everyone who attended and participated live. If you catch up with video leave us a comment in the Signum U. forums to tell us what you think or to continue the discussion.

About Katherine Sas

Graduate of Messiah University and Signum University with degrees in literature. I'm a student of imaginative and speculative literature, TV, and film, particularly Tolkien and the Inklings, Doctor Who, and fairy tales.
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4 Responses to Mythgard Movie Club: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

  1. bdsprinkle says:

    Can we watch this for free anywhere?

  2. Reblogged this on A Pilgrim in Narnia and commented:
    I’m pumped about being on this Mythgard Movie Club panel. We’re beginning with this evocative film that is rich in intertextual conversation and philosophical questions. If you can find a copy of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind–or if it is hardwired into your memory–this is a free online event that will be a lot of fun. Here’s the annoucement by another panellist, Kat Sas of the Raving Sanity blog and über pop culture podcaster.

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